a Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA
b University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
c University of Regina, Saskatchewan S4S-0A2, Canada
d Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow 117312, Russia
A neutron detector with moderate energy resolution (3 MeV) has been built for neutrons in the energy range 75–175 MeV. The detector was designed for coincidence scattering experiments. The design eliminates the need for long neutron flight paths necessary for comparable energy resolution time-of-flight measurements with a comparable efficiency-solid angle product (0.02 msr). The detector consists of thin plastic scintillators in which the neutron undergoes n–p elastic scattering. The second-scattered protons are tracked by drift chambers and detected in a sodium iodide array. The design motivations and features are presented along with results from detailed in-beam experimental tests.