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Effects of Different Types of Chronic Training on Bioenergetic Profile and Reactive Oxygen Species Production in LHCN-M2 Human Myoblast Cells
Authors:Annamaria Mancini,Daniela Vitucci,Giuseppe Labruna,Stefania Orrù  ,Pasqualina Buono
Affiliation:1.Department of Movement Sciences and Wellness, University Parthenope, 80133 Napoli, IT, Italy; (A.M.); (D.V.); (S.O.);2.CEINGE-Biotecnologie Avanzate, 80145 Napoli, IT, Italy;3.IRCCS SDN, 80143 Napoli, IT, Italy;
Abstract:Human skeletal muscle contains three different types of fibers, each with a different metabolism. Exercise differently contributes to differentiation and metabolism in human myoblast cells. The aims of the present study were to investigate the effects of different types of chronic training on the human LHCN-M2 myoblast cell bioenergetic profile during differentiation in real time and on the ROS overproduction consequent to H2O2 injury. We demonstrated that exercise differently affects the myoblast bioenergetics: aerobic exercise induced the most efficient glycolytic and oxidative capacity and proton leak reduction compared to untrained or anaerobic trained sera-treated cells. Similarly, ROS overproduction after H2O2 stress was lower in cells treated with differently trained sera compared to untrained sera, indicating a cytoprotective effect of training on the reduction of oxidative stress, and thus the promotion of longevity. In conclusion, for the first time, this study has provided knowledge regarding the modifications induced by different types of chronic training on human myoblast cell bioenergetics during the differentiation process in real time, and on ROS overproduction due to stress, with positive implications in terms of longevity.
Keywords:oxidative stress   metabolism   exercise   human myoblast LHCN-M2   longevity
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