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A-ring reduced derivatives of two synthetic progestins induce anxiolytic effects in ovariectomized rats
Authors:O Picazo  A Fernández-Guasti  AE Lemus  GA García
Affiliation:Department of Biology and Cancer Research Center, Howard University, Washington, DC 20059, USA.
This study was to determine the extent of alteration of enolase specific activities in chicken embryo retina primary cells in culture when exposed to an ELF (extremely low frequency) electric field at 60 Hz. Results showed no alteration of enolase activity and enolase mRNA levels. In this study, sham vs. control experiments were also conducted to neutralize ambient AC magnetic fields, stray magnetic fields and variations in field uniformity. Under similar conditions, the specific activity of enolase is decreased in neuroblastoma cell line (NG108). It is apparent from this study that primary cells either are not affected by these exposure conditions or the effect is transient and warrants no damage.
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