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Small signal analysis of THz optical-frequency conversion in aninjection-locked semiconductor laser
Authors:Linlin Li Petermann   K.
Affiliation:Inst. fur Hochfrequenztech., Tech. Univ. Berlin ;
Abstract:A theory of terahertz optical-frequency conversion using highly nondegenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) in an injection-locked semiconductor laser is presented, using small-signal analysis. The optical frequency conversion can be realized through the use of cavity-enhanced highly nondegenerate FWM in an injection-locked semiconductor laser in a range of 1-THz detuning frequency between the pump and the probe waves, when the probe frequency is tuned close to one of the resonance modes. The frequency conversion is mainly attributed to the nonlinear gain effect. The maximum bandwidth of the converted signal is increased by shortening the laser cavity length. The frequency conversion efficiency is asymmetrical with respect to both the zero detuning frequency and the resonance mode where the converted signal appears. The theoretical results agree with experiments
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