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The impact of assessing lower head integrity on boiling water reactor probabilistic risk assessments
Authors:Casimir A Kukielka
Affiliation:PP&L, 2 North 9th St., Allentown, PA 18101, USA
Abstract:Over the last several decades, much effort has been directed at estimating the likelihood of a large early release of radioactivity during a nuclear accident. This effort has culminated in the Individual Plant Examinations (IPEs) for the over 100 US nuclear power plants and the NUREG 1150 study. The large early release of radioactivity requires core damage with loss of primary containment integrity during the accident. Given a successful reactor scram, early containment failure coupled with a large release of radioactivity will only occur if the reactor core vessel is breached by core debris. Most IPE/PRA studies performed to date have not considered the possibility of quenching core debris in the lower plenum. Consequently, lower head failure is presumed to closely follow the onset of core damage. Therefore, these assessments did not address the role that in-vessel debris retention plays in preserving primary containment integrity, nor do they propose a criterion for evaluating the integrity of the vessel lower head given that core damage has occurred. Yet preserving the vessel lower head integrity is a necessary condition for satisfying the plant design and licensing basis. Therefore, a more complete treatment of the risk associated with nuclear plant operation includes an evaluation of the ability to retain the core debris in-vessel. This paper presents a performance requirement for vessel integrity to be used in probabilistic risk assessments; evaluates the impact the core damage progression and lower plenum quenching models have on the likelihood of terminating the damage progression in-vessel; documents the significant reduction in BWR containment failure probability that can occur when appropriate core damage and lower head quenching models are used; reviews the implications of core debris quenching in the lower head on BWR PRA modeling; argues why crediting the capability to maintain vessel integrity is necessary from a safety point of view. These results and conclusions are derived from consideration of a BWR 4 plant with a 251 inch vessel. However, the concepts are generally applicable and results specific to other BWR designs can be developed using the methodology presented in this paper.
Keywords:PRA success criteria  Accident management  Core damage progression modeling  Nuclear reactor vessel integrity
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