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DMA thermal analysis of different parts of potato tuber
Authors:Jiří   Blahovec,Magdalé  na Lahodová  
Affiliation:Department of Physics, Czech University of Life Sciences, 16521 Prague 6, Suchdol, Czech Republic
Abstract:Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) was applied to three potato tissues (‘cortex’, ‘pith’, and ‘side’ surface) of two cultivars (more waxy ‘Nicola’ and more mealy ‘Saturna’) in temperature scans in the range 30–90 °C and constant air humidity of 90%. The obtained scans indicate peaks in both storage and loss module of elasticity (SM and LM, respectively) at temperatures higher than 70 °C – so called ‘starch’ peak (SP) – as was observed previously. The peak value increase with increasing potato dry matter (DM) content, below DM content approximately 14% no SP is observed (‘Nicola pith’). Slope analysis of the basic parameters: SM, LM, and loss tangent (LT) was performed and further characteristic points on the temperature plots were found: (i) in temperature range A (30–40 °C) maximum of SM and LM and minimum of LT, (ii) in temperature range B (40–50 °C) minimum of SM and LM slopes corresponding to point of inflection on SM-T and LM-T plots, (iii) at about 50 °C, big peak in LT in side tissue only, (iv) at about 70 °C just prior the ‘starch’ peak, big peak in LT that is more marked in ‘pith’; this peak denoted as ‘I’ influenced the ‘starch’ peak ‘II’. It was found that both cultivar and part of the tuber influences the DMA temperature plots.
Keywords:Potato   DMA   Starch   Gelatinisation   Temperature   Deformation   Cell wall   Frequency   Amplitude   Tissue stability   Swelling
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