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Investigations on TlBa2Ca2Cu3Ox superconducting thin films formation on LaAlO3 substrate
Authors:T. Guerfi  S. Beauquis  M.F. Mosbah
Affiliation:a Laboratoire de Couches Minces et Interfaces, LCMI, Université Mentouri Constantine, Chaab Erssas, 25000 Constantine, Algeria
b Laboratoire Systèmes et Matériaux pour la Mécatronique, SYMME, Polytech Savoie, Domaine Universitaire, 5 chemin de Bellevue B. P. 80439.74944 Annecy le vieux, France
Abstract:Investigations on pure superconducting phase TlBa2Ca2Cu3Ox (Tl-1223) thin films formation, of about 100-125 nm in thickness, on (001) LaAlO3 single crystal substrate, were made using radio-frequency sputtering deposition of Ba2Ca2Cu3Ox precursor films and ex-situ thallination in sealed quartz tube. The precursor films were thallinated under different conditions of partial oxygen pressure, temperature, time and y thallium source content using unreacted pellets of composition TlyBa2Ca2Cu3Ox. In all cases, strongly c-oriented multiphase films were obtained. A correlation between the Tl-1223 phase purity and the precursor film conditions of thallination is established. Temperature and time of thallination as well as the thallium source content and the partial pressure of oxygen play a key role in the quality of the obtained film. The films' onset temperature of the superconducting transition ranges between 90 and 103 K. It is shown that the best samples can be obtained from a dense precursor film and relatively medium thallination time.
Keywords:Thallium   Thin films   Superconductivity   X-ray diffraction   Scanning electron microscopy   Energy dispersive X-ray analysis   Radio-frequency sputtering
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