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Effect of water composition on aluminium,calcium and organic carbon extraction in tea infusions
Authors:Auré  lie Mossion,Martine Potin-Gautier,Sé  bastien Delerue,Isabelle Le Hé  cho,Philippe Behra
Affiliation:1. Université de Toulouse, UMR 1010 Chimie Agro-Industrielle (LCA), ENSIACET, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, INRA, 118 Route de Narbonne, 31077 Toulouse Cedex 04, France;2. Laboratoire de Chimie Analytique, Bio-Inorganique et Environnement (LCABIE), UMR 5254 IPREM, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour/CNRS, Avenue de l’Université, BP 576, 64012 PAU Cedex, France
Abstract:Tea infusion is the second world wide consumed beverage. In this study, total aluminium and calcium concentrations, total organic carbon and total polyphenol content were determined and compared with respect to the origin of tea leaves, their particle size (broken or whole leaves) and also the mineral composition of four waters. It appeared that the higher the mineral content, the lower the extraction yield of aluminium, total organic carbon and total polyphenols. This could be due to calcium uptake by leaves. Calcium present in mineral waters could be complexed with pectins present in cell walls thus leading to a decrease in the element extraction.
Keywords:Tea infusion   Water composition   Extraction mechanism
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