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Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of energy recovery system of biogas from a wastewater treatment plant and use in a Stirling engine
Affiliation:4. Departments of Microbiology & Immunology and Chemistry, McGill University, 3775 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2B4, Canada
Abstract:The aim of this research it is to show how the biogas biomethanisation from primary and secondary treatment of activated sludge from a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), can be an alternative renewable energy option from fossil fuels, which offers competitive advantages and points out new horizons for the use of this fuel. This will allow to achieve some important priorities of energy plans in EU countries: to reduce the organic matter deposited in landfills and CO2 emissions and to find viable solutions to minimize the environmental impact of sewage sludge (SS).This study analyses the biogas combustion and energy recovery processes from a thermodynamic, thermoeconomic and exergetic point of view.The results show that the boiler of the process is the main source of irreversibility and exergy destruction. Moreover, the energy and exergy economic value of exhaust gases from the combustion chamber, are significant and worthwhile to be exploited. For this reason, the present study explores the applicability and suitability of integrating a Stirling engine in such process. The study reveals that it is possible to create a small micro-cogeneration system which leads to sustainable waste management and energy savings in the treatment plant itself.
Keywords:Biogas  Sludge  Thermoeconomic  Exergetic  Anaerobic digestion  Stirling engine  B"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0045"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  boiler  BOE"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0055"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  official state bulletin of Spain  CIEMAT"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0065"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research  CORINAIR"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0075"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  core inventory of air emissions  d. m."  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0085"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  dry matter  EU"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0095"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  European Union  EUROSTAT"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0105"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  statistical office of the European Communities  EWL"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0115"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  the European waste list  E2020"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0125"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  European strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth  GW"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0135"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  gigawatt  Ha"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0145"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  hectare  HRB"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0155"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  heat recovery boiler  ktoe"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0165"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  __text__"  ,"  _"  :"  kilo tonnes oil equivalent (=4.18 × 10"  },{"  #name"  :"  sup"  ,"  $"  :{"  loc"  :"  post"  },"  _"  :"  13"  },{"  #name"  :"  __text__"  ,"  _"  :"   J)  LHV"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0175"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  __text__"  ,"  _"  :"  lower heating value of fuel [kcal/Nm"  },{"  #name"  :"  sup"  ,"  $"  :{"  loc"  :"  post"  },"  _"  :"  3"  },{"  #name"  :"  __text__"  ,"  _"  :"  ]  MAGRAMA"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0185"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment  Mtoe"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0195"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  million tonnes oil equivalent  NMVOC"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0205"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  non-methane volatile organic compounds  NTU"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0215"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  number of transfer units  PER"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0225"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  renewable energy Spanish plan  PNIR"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0235"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Spanish integrated plan of waste  PNLD"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0245"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Spanish plan of sewage sludge  ppm"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0255"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  parts per million  RNL"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0265"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  Spanish register of sludge  SS"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0275"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  sewage sludge  VOCs"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0285"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  volatile organic compounds  WWTP"  },{"  #name"  :"  keyword"  ,"  $"  :{"  id"  :"  kwrd0295"  },"  $$"  :[{"  #name"  :"  text"  ,"  _"  :"  wastewater treatment plant
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