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A study of structural determinants in the interleukin-1 fold
Authors:Swindells, Mark B.   Thornton, Janet M.
Affiliation:1Protein Engineering Research Institute 6-2-3 Furuedai, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan 2Biomolecular Structure and Modelling Unit. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University College London Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT. UK
Abstract:The structures of interleukin-1ß, basic fibroblastgrowth factor and Erythrina trypsin inhibitor have been analysedin order to determine whether the hydrophobic core remains conserved,even when the structures have extremely low sequence similarities.We find that there are significant differences in the way eachprotein achieves a satisfactory arrangement of core residuesand that positions which contribute to the core of one structureare not guaranteed to contribute to the integrity of another.Furthermore, the side-chain packing arrangements of these coreresidues vary significantly between the three structures. Duringthis analysis the side-chain rotamers for three independentlydetermined interleukin-1ß structures were also compared.It was found that although buried residues are generally inagreement the remaining residues frequently occupy differentrotamers in the three structures. This suggests that althoughmeaningful studies are possible for buried side-chains the resultsobtained from equivalent analyses of accessible residues shouldbe treated with caution. These results are discussed with specificreference to the optimization of side-chain packing in proteinsof known structure.
Keywords:x1 angles/  Erythrina trypsin inhibito/  hydrophobic core/  interleukin-1/  structural analysis/  structure prediction
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