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Low threshold 650 nm band real refractive index-guided AlGaInPlaser diodes with strain-compensated MQW active layer
Authors:Honda   S. Miyake   T. Ikegami   T. Yagi   K. Bessho   Y. Hiroyama   R. Shone   M. Sawada   M.
Affiliation:LED Div., Tottori Sanyo Electr. Co Ltd.;
Abstract:650 nm band real refractive index-guided AlGaInP laser diodes with a strain-compensated MQW active layer have been successfully fabricated. A threshold current of 9 mA, which is the lowest ever reported was achieved and 5 mW operation was obtained up to 120°C. These lasers have been operated for >3000 h under 5 mW at 90°C
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