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基金项目:本研究受香港特区政府大学研究资助局“具竞争力资助研究基金”(RGC Competitive Earmarked ResearchGrants,HKU7238/04H),以及“香港大学基础研究种子基金”(Seed Funding ForBasic Research,The University of Hong Kong,No.20051115959062)的资助
摘    要:在全球化和区域化并驾齐驱的格局下,全球城市一区域(Global City-Region)日益成为全球经济增长的核心动力,跨境区域(CBRs:Cross-BorderRegions)大量涌现。近年来欧盟国家有关大都市区的研究揭示了多中心(Polycentric)格局和区域融合中多层级管治(multi-level governance)的形态,但罕有探讨两者之间的关系及其制订对区域发展政策和规划的影响。目前,对于亚洲特别是中国的大都市多中心和多层级管治的系统研究尚不多,本文尝试揭示大珠三角作为多中心都市区和跨境区域的多层级管治的形成、演变和影响。本文进一步透过跨境大桥的案例分析,尝试揭示这个跨境城市一区域的多中心和多层级管治格局在“一国两制”框架下的独特之处。

关 键 词:跨境城市一区域  多中心都市区  多层级管治  大珠江三角洲  香港  一国两制

Multi-level Governance of the Polycentric Cross-border City-region:the Case of the Greater Pearl River Delta, China
Abstract:There emerge in recent years heated discussions on the polycentric pattern and multi-level governance during cross-borde integration in mega-urban regions in Western Europe. This study attempts to extend the literature to China through the empirica study of the Greater Pearl River Delta, which consists the Pear River Delta (PRD) under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Province as well as Hong Kong and Macao, the Special Administrative Regions directly governed by the Central Government since 1997 and 1999 respe...
Keywords:Cross-border City-regions  Polycentric Megaurban Regions  Multi-level Governance  Greater Pearl River Delta  Hong Kong  One Country Two Systems
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