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Transient analyses for accelerator driven system PDS-XADS using the extended SIMMER-III code
Authors:Tohru Suzuki   Xue-Nong Chen   Andrei Rineiski  Werner Maschek
Affiliation:Institut für Kern-und Energietechnik, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Postfach 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany
Abstract:Transient analyses for Preliminary Design Studies of an Experimental Accelerator Driven System (PDS-XADS) were performed with the reactor safety analysis code SIMMER-III, which was originally developed for the safety assessment of sodium-cooled fast reactors and recently extended by the authors so as to describe the XADS specifics such as subcritical core, strong external neutron source and lead–bismuth–eutectic (LBE) coolant. As transient scenarios, the following cases were analyzed in accordance with the PDS-XADS program: spurious beam trip (BT), unprotected beam overpower (UBOP), unprotected transient overpower (UTOP), unprotected loss of flow (ULOF) and unprotected blockage (UBL) in a single fuel assembly. In addition, to cover some core-melt situations and investigate the potential for recriticalities, so-called snap-shot analyses with ad hoc postulated severe blockage conditions were also investigated.The simulation results for BT and UBOP showed that immediate fuel damage might not take place under short-time beam interruption or a 100% increase of the external neutron source. Concerning UTOP, it was found that a reactivity jump of 1 $ would not lead to damage of the fuel and the cladding. The ULOF simulation showed that the remaining natural convection of the coolant would prevent the cladding from disruptions. In the simulation of UBL in a single fuel assembly, it was shown that no cladding failure might be expected, due to the radial heat transfer and the coolant flow in the hexcan gap. Under an artificial suppression of the radial heat transfer for this UBL case, a pin failure occurred in the simulation but subsequent fuel sweep-out into the upper plenum region would bring a reactivity reduction and no power excursion. The severe accident simulations starting from postulated blockage above an already disrupted core showed that a severe recriticality could be avoided by the fuel sweep-out into the dummy-assembly or hexcan gap regions.The present simulation results showed that the current PDS-XADS design has a remarkable resistance against severe transient scenarios even in core-degradation conditions.
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