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Effect of Radio Frequency Postdrying of Partially Baked Cookies on Acrylamide Content,Texture, and Color of the Final Product
Authors:T. Koray Palazoğlu  Yunus Coşkun  Tolga Kocadağlı  Vural Gökmen
Affiliation:Author Palazo?lu is with Dept. of Food Engineering, Univ. of Mersin, 33343, Ciftlikkoy, Mersin, Turkey. Authors Palazo?lu and Co?kun are with TermaTek Thermal Food Technologies, Mersin Technology Development Zone, 33343, Ciftlikkoy, Mersin, Turkey. Authors Kocada?l? and G?kmen are with Dept. of Food Engineering, Hacettepe Univ., 06532 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey. Direct inquires to author Palazo?lu (E‐mail: koray_palazoglu@yahoo.com).
Abstract:Abstract: Effect of radio frequency (RF) postdrying of partially baked cookies on acrylamide content, texture, and color of the final product was investigated in this study. Control cookies were prepared by baking in a conventional oven at 205 °C for 11 min. Cookies partially baked for 8 and 9 min were postdried in a 27.12 MHz RF tunnel oven until attainment of the moisture content of control cookies. Internal temperature of cookies was monitored during the experiments to better explain the results. Cookies were analyzed for acrylamide content using a liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) method. Texture measurements were performed using a Texture Analyzer, while digital image analysis was used for color measurement. The results showed that RF postdrying of partially baked cookies resulted in lower acrylamide levels (107.3 ng/g for control cookies, 74.6 ng/g upon RF postdrying of cookies partially baked for 9 min, 51.1 ng/g upon RF postdrying of cookies partially baked for 8 min). Instrumental texture analysis showed no significant difference among the texture of cookies, whereas RF postdried samples had a lower degree of browning. According to sensory evaluation results, control had a more crumbly texture, and RF postdried sample that was conventionally baked for 8 min had a slightly uncooked flavor. Practical Application: Combining radio frequency and conventional baking may provide cookie manufacturers with ability to make cookies with lower levels of acrylamide.
Keywords:acrylamide  baking  color  cookies  postdrying  radio frequency  texture
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