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Understanding the role of open peer review and dynamic academic articles
Authors:Perakakis  Pandelis  Taylor  Michael  Mazza  Marco G.  Trachana  Varvara
Affiliation:1.Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment, University of Granada, Campus Cartuja, 18071, Granada, Spain
;2.Laboratory of Experimental Economics, University Jaume I, Avda. Sos Baynat s/n, 12071, Castellón, Spain
;3.Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing (ISARS), National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Vas. Pavlou & I. Metaxa, 15236, Penteli, Greece
;4.Stranski-Laboratorium fur Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Technische Universitat Berlin, Stra?e des 17. Juni 135, 10623, Berlin, Germany
;5.Institute of Biological Research and Biotechnology (IBRB), National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF), 48 Vas. Constantinou Ave., 11635, Athens, Greece
Abstract:We welcome the commentary by L. Egghe (Scientometrics, this issue) stimulating discussion on our recent article “Natural selection of academic papers” (NSAP) (Scientometrics, 85(2):553–559, 2010) that focuses on an important modern issue at the heart of the scientific enterprise—the open and continuous evaluation and evolution of research. We are also grateful to the editor of Scientometrics for giving us the opportunity to respond to some of the arguments by L. Egghe that we believe are inaccurate or require further comment.
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