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Abstract:GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Cell Wall Characteristics and Firmness of Fresh Pack Cucumber Pickles Affected by Pasteurization and Calcium Chloride. L. R. Howard and R. W. Buescher GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Changes in Cracker Sponges During the First Five Hours of Fermentation. J. Y. Wu and R. C. Hoseney GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Meat Tenderization: Possible Causes and Mechanisms. A Review. A. Quali GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Selected Physical Characteristics of Ground Roasted Coffees. M. Molina GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Modeling of Potato Flour During Extrusion Cooking. K. L. Mackey GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Modeling the Average Shear Rate in a Co-Rotating Twin Screw Extruder. I. 0. Mohamed GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Simplified Nonlinear Model for Describing the Viscoelastic Properties of Wheat Flour Doughs at High Shear Strain. B. Launay GENERAL PRINCIPLES: A Rheological Characterization of Cereal Starch-Galactomannan Mixtures. M. Alloncle GENERAL PRINCIPLES: On the Influence of Fluid Inertia in Oscillatory Rheometry. G Böhme and M. Stenger GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Shear Induced Order and Shear Processing of Model Hard Sphere Suspensions. B. J. Ackerson GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Fractal Nature of the Structure of Casein Gels. Leon G. B. Bremer GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Viscoelastic Characterization of the Soybean Seedcoat. M. Liu, K. Haghighi and R. L. Stroshine GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Modeling Stress Relaxation Response of Wheat En Masse Using the Triaxial Test. R. G. Bock, V. M. Puri and H. B. Manbeck GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Rheological Modeling of Corn Starch Doughs at Low to Intermediate Moisture. K. L. Mackey GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Effect of Calcium Ions on the Thermodynamics of Cucumber Tissue Softening. R. F. McFeeters and H. P. Fleming GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Role of Muscle Fibers in Contributing Firmness of Cooked Fish. K. Hatae, F. Yoshimatsu GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Differences Between Bamboo Shoots and Vegetables in Thermal Disintegration of Tissues and Polysaccharides Fractionated by Successive Extraction. M. Fuchigami INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Flow Behavior of Tomato Sauce with or without Particulates in Tube Flow. S. Bhamidipati and R. K. Singh INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Tensile Characteristics of Squid Mantle. J.-D. Kuo, M. Peleg and H. O. Hultin INSTRUMENTAL MEASUREMENTS: Anisotropy of Apple Parenchyma. Ali A. Khan and Julian F. V. Vincent METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: An Evaluation of Simple Method for Following Rigor Development in Fish. R. W. Korhonen, T. C. Lanier and F. Giesbrecht METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Fundamental Aspects of Viscosity Monitoring by the Hot Wire Technique. O. Miyawaki, Y. Sato, T. Yano, K. Ito and Y. Saeki METHODOLOGY & INSTRUMENTATION: Mechanical Criteria of Banana Ripening. A. Nussinovitch, I. J. Kopelman and S. Mizrahi FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of Pasteurization Time and Temperature on the Rheology and Sensory Properties of a Type of Gazpacho. L. Jimenez and A. Lopez FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Functional Properties of the Flour and the Major Protein Fraction from Sesame Seed, Sunflower Seed and Safflower Seed. K. Booma and V. Prakash FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Mechanical Properties of a Raspberry Product Texturized with Alginate. A. Nussinovitch and M. Peleg FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Storage-Induced Hardening in 20 Common Bean Cultivars. D. W. Stanley, T. E. Michaels, L. C. Pljak and K. B. Caldwell FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Selected Commercial Enzymes on Cookie Spread and Cookie Dough Consistency. C. S. Gaines and P. L. Finney FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Role of Ingredients in the Texture of a Flanlike Food. R. S. Kadan and G. M. Ziegler, Jr. FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological Changes in Cracker Sponges During an 18-Hour Fermentation. J. Y. Wu and R. C. Hoseney FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Rheological and Cookie Making Studies on Wheat-Rice Flour Blends. N. Singh, A. Kaur, R. P. Singh and K. S. Sekhon FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Relative Humidity Increases that Cause Stress Cracks in Corn. G. Sarwar and O. R. Kunze FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Influence of K+ and Ca++ on the Rheological and Gelation Properties of Reduced Fat Pork Sausages Containing Carrageenans. S. Barbut and G. S. Mittal FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Changes in Protein Solubility and Gelation Properties of Chicken Myofibrils during Storage. Y. L. Xiong and C. J. Brekke FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Heating Rate on Meat Batter Stability, Texture and Gelation. S. Barbut and G. S. Mittal FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effects of Rigor Mortis on Gel-forming Properties of Surimi and Unwashed Mince Preparation from Tilapia. J. W. Park, R. W. Korhonen and T. C. Lanier FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Some Stabilizers on Textural and Sensory Characteristics of Yogurt Ice Cream from Sheep's Milk. I. S. Martinou-Voulasiki and G. K. Zerfiridis FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: Effect of Post-Cooking Storage Conditions on Shear-Force Values of Beef Steaks. J. D. Crouse and M. Koohmaraie FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Interaction of Water Soluble Meat Proteins with Monoglyceride and Diglyceride at the Oil-Water Interface and its Effect on Interfacial Rheological Properties. Ana Martinez-Mendoza and P. Sherman FACTORS AFFECTING TEXTURE: The Interaction of Water Soluble Meat Proteins with Mono-Glyceride and Diglyceride at the Corn Oil-Water Interface and its Effect on Time-Dependent Interfacial Tension Reduction. Ana M. Mendoza-Martinez and P. Sherman
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