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摘    要:(本刊讯)7月15日,首部全民消防安全教育电影《火海逃生》在浙江宁波举行了开机仪式。公安部消防局、人民公安报社等有关方面领导和代表共200多人参加了仪式。诸多事实已经证明,面对着突然而至的火灾,人们的应对能力弱、自防自救能力差,这一切都提醒着公众消防教育还存在着空白点。《火海逃生》正是在这样的背景之下应运而生。

关 键 词:消防安全教育 逃生 电影 公安部消防局 中国 自救能力 消防教育 火灾

Enhancing the Fire-control Infrastructure,Gansu Province Spent 130 Million Yuan in 3Years
Abstract:In the past 3 years, Gansu province has invested 130 million Yuan on the improvement of the urban fire-control infrastructure and the construction of fire-control instruments. This has been the largest investment in the provincial history. In 3 years, 78 new fire engines and 4391 hydrants have been added and all the city hydrant dispositions above county level have met the national standard, which is a historic breakthrough in the province.
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