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Hydrodenitrogenation of indole over Mo2C catalyst: Insights into mechanistic events through DFT modeling
Authors:Witold Piskorz, Grzegorz Adamski, Andrzej Kotarba, Zbigniew Sojka, C  line Sayag,G  rald Dj  ga-Mariadassou

aFaculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University, Ingardena 3, 30-060 Cracow, Poland

bRegional Laboratory of Physicochemical Analyses and Structural Research, Ingardena 3, 30-060 Cracow, Poland

cUniversité P. et M. Curie, Laboratoire Réactivité de Surface, UMR CNRS 7609, 4, Place Jussieu, Case 178, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France

Abstract:The molecular reaction mechanism of hydrodenitrogenation of indole was studied using density-functional theory calculations of the adsorbed o-ethylaniline surrounded by mobile hydrogen atoms. It was found that the hydrogenation of o-ethylaniline occurs through two steps: consisting in redistribution of the π electron density to form multiple partial MoC(ring) bonds with the surface upon adsorption, and a subsequent hydrogen attack directed on the aromatic ring or the amine group. The direction of the hydrogen attack and the associated energy barriers determine the rate constants of the early (DDN, direct denitrogenation) and late (HYD, hydrogenation) nitrogen removal steps, and thus rules the selectivity of indole hydrodenitrogenation to ethylcyclohexane or ethylbenzene.
Keywords:Mo2C   Catalyst   HDN   Hydrodenitrogenation   Indole   DFT
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