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Integral-equation representations of flow elastoplasticity derived from rate-equation models
Authors:Prof. Dr. H. -K. Hong  Dr. J. -K. Liou
Affiliation:(1) Present address: Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, 10764 Taipei;(2) Present address: Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Lungtan, P.O. Box 90008-15-9, 32526 Taoyuan, Taiwan, Republic of China
Abstract:Summary Two integral-equation representations are presented in this paper, based on the exact integrations of the conventional rate-equation model of associativeJ2 flow elastoplasticity with combined-isotropic-kinematic hardening-softening. Among them the strain-controlled integral-equation representation has two new naturally defined material functionsY(Z) andU(Z) of the normalized active workZ, which plays the role of intrinsic time. One of the immediate benefits derivable from the new representations is, owing to the explicit unfolding of the highly nonlinear path-dependence between stress and strain without a detour to the evolutions of internal state variables, their adaptability for direct calculations without any iteration. Indeed, it is itself a constructive algorithm. It is shown that at a realistic level of precision, the strain-controlled integral-equation representation saves 99% or more of the CPU time compared with the widely used elastic predictor-radial return algorithm of the rate-equation representation.List of symbols eij,eije,eijp strain deviator, elastic strain deviator, plastic strain deviator - emacr effective strain - emacrp effective plastic strain - e1,e2,e3 principal strain deviator,e3=–e1e2 - etan,erad tangential strain increment, radial strain increment - E Young's modulus, assumed to be constant - f yield function in stress space - F yield function in strain space - G shear modulus, assumed to be constant - G(Z1,Z2) shear relaxation function of elastoplasticity - h(emacrp),k(emacrp) material functions of plasticity for the stress-space rate-equation representation - 
$$H(bar s^r ),K(bar s^r )$$
material functions of plasticity for the strain-space rate-equation representation - I2 second invariant of the deviatoric strain tensor - J2 second invariant of the deviatoric stress tensor - J(z1,z2) shear creep function of elastoplasticity - K bulk modulus, assumed to be constant - p dummy variable of integration in place of the effective plastic strain - rij active stress - Rij active strain - 
$$bar r$$
effective active-stress, i.e.
$$sqrt {{3 mathord{left/ {vphantom {3 2}} right. kern-nulldelimiterspace} 2}}$$
times Euclidean length of active stress - 
$$bar R$$
effective active-strain, i.e.
$$sqrt {{2 mathord{left/ {vphantom {2 3}} right. kern-nulldelimiterspace} 3}}$$
times Euclidean length of active strain - Sij,Sije,Sijr stress deviator, elastic stress deviator, stress relaxation - 
$$bar s$$
effective stress - 
$$bar s^r$$
effective stress relaxation - S1,S2,S3 principal stress deviator,S3=–S1S2 - t, tau, xgr, zeta time - t0 zero-value time - tu latest unloading time - y(z), u(z) material functions of plasticity for the stress-controlled integral-equation representation - Y(Z), U(Z) material functions of plasticity for the strain-controlled integral-equation representation - z normalized active complementary-work - 
$$tilde z(bar e^p ), tilde y(bar e^p ), tilde u(bar e^p )$$
material functions defined for use in convertingh(emacrp) andk(emacrp) toy(z) andu(z) - Z normalized active work - 
$$tilde Z(bar e^p ), tilde Y(bar e^p ), tilde U(bar e^p )$$
material functions defined for use in convertingh(emacrp) andk(emacrp) toY(Z) andU(Z) - agrij back stress - Aij back strain - epsiij, epsiije, epsiijp strain, elastic strain, plastic strain - epsiy (initial) yield strain, epsiy=h(0)/2G - ngr Poisson's ratio assumed to be constant - sgrij, sgrije, sgrijr stress, elastic stress, stress relaxation - sgry (initial) yield stress, yield strength, sgry=h(0)
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