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引用本文:冯艳红,王晶,王占锋. 应用于实时系统的DMS算法可调度性分析[J]. 计算机与现代化, 2008, 0(1): 26-28
作者姓名:冯艳红  王晶  王占锋
作者单位:1. 石家庄经济学院信息工程学院,河北,石家庄,050031
2. 中央司法警官学院信息管理系,河北,保定,071003
摘    要:
固定优先级任务的可调度性判定是实时系统调度理论研究的核心问题之一。本文提出了一种可行的DMS可调度性判定方法——确切性判定方法(precised schedulability test algorithln,简称PSTA),利用DMS调度的充要条件,保证任何任务集均可被判定,并且判定结果是确切的。首先给出了DMS调度模型,介绍了可调度性判定的基本思想,然后进一步通过实验提出并证明了PSTA相关的定理。

关 键 词:实时系统  实时调度  DMS算法

Schedulability Analysis of Deadline Monotonic Scheduling for Real-time System
FENG Yan-hong,WANG Jing,WANG Zhan-feng. Schedulability Analysis of Deadline Monotonic Scheduling for Real-time System[J]. Computer and Modernization, 2008, 0(1): 26-28
Authors:FENG Yan-hong  WANG Jing  WANG Zhan-feng
Affiliation:FENG Yan-hong , WANG Jing, WANG Zhan-feng (1. Dep. of Information Engineering, Shijiazhuang Economical Institute, Shijiazhuang 050031, China; 2. Dep. of Information Management, University for Correctional Police, Baoding 071003, China)
One of the key issues in real-time theory is the schedulable analysis of a given task set with fixed priority.This paper presents a feasible PSTA(precised schedulability test algorithm) for analyzing the schedulability of periodic task sets under Deadline Monotonic Scheduling.This method uses the necessary and sufficient schedulability condition to guarantee that the test result for every task set is correct.A schedulability model for DMS is investigated,the thought of schedulability is derived,the related theorems are proposed and proven through the experiment.
Keywords:real-time system  real-time scheduling  DMS(Deadline Monotonic Scheduling) algorithm
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