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Elasticity Solution of a Laminated Clamped Cylindrical Shell with Piezoelectric Layer under Dynamic Load
Authors:M. R. Saviz
Affiliation:Mechanical Engineering Department, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran
Dynamic elasticity solution for a clamped, laminated cylindrical shell with two orthotropic layers bounded with a piezoelectric layer and subjected to impulse load distributed on inner surface is presented. The piezoelectric layer serves as sensor/actuator. The governing elasticity PDE equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations by means of Legendre polynomial expansion for displacement and electric potential in the axial direction. The resulting equations are transferred into state space form and reduced to an eigenvalue problem by using Galerkin's finite element in radial direction. The static and dynamic results are presented for [0/90/Piezo] lamination. The radius to thickness ratio effect on dynamic behavior is studied. The results are compared for different thickness ratios and applied electric loads with simply-supported shell results. Time responses for sensor and actuated shell are presented and natural frequencies are compared with simply-supported shell results.
Keywords:elasticity solution  piezoelectric  clamped  composite shell  dynamic load  sensor  actuator
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