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Comparison of High-throughput and Manual DNA Extraction Methods for the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of MON810 Maize
Authors:Katarzyna Grelewska-Nowotko  Jarosław Nowosielski  Magdalena Żurawska-Zajfert  Paweł Częstobor Czembor  Sławomir Sowa
Affiliation:1. GMO Controlling Laboratory, Department of Plant Biotechnology and Cytogenetics, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute-National Research Institute, Radzików, Poland;2. Department of Plant Pathology, Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute- National Research Institute, Radzików, Poland
Abstract:PCR-based methods are widely used in the European Union and in other countries for the detection, identification, and quantification of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The preparation of good-quality DNA from plant samples for GMO detection can be a challenging task, particularly if the DNA will be used for quantitative analysis. Two DNA extraction methods, namely manual (NucleoSpin Food kit from Machery-Nagel) and high-throughput partially automated (NucleoMag Plant kit from Machery-Nagel) methods, which utilize different DNA separation principles, were used for the isolation of DNA from maize flour samples. Despite the higher DNA recovery obtained using the high-throughput isolation method, a lower PCR efficiency was achieved, most likely due to the presence of PCR inhibitors in the extracts. We found both DNA extraction methods suitable for GMO analysis.
Keywords:DNA extraction  genetically modified organism (GMO)  GMO quantification  magnetic particles  high-throughput DNA isolation
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