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Syndecan Family Gene and Protein Expression and Their Prognostic Values for Prostate Cancer
Authors:Nilton Jos Santos  Caroline Nascimento Barquilha  Isabela Correa Barbosa  Rodrigo Tavares Macedo  Flvio Oliveira Lima  Luis Antnio Justulin  Guilherme Oliveira Barbosa  Hernandes F Carvalho  Srgio Luis Felisbino
Affiliation:1.Department of Structural and Functional BIology, Institute of Bioscience of Botucatu (IBB), São Paulo State University, Botucatu 18618-689, SP, Brazil; (N.J.S.); (C.N.B.); (I.C.B.); (L.A.J.);2.Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Institute of Biology (IB), UNICAMP—State University of Campinas, Campinas 13083-970, SP, Brazil; (G.O.B.); (H.F.C.);3.Botucatu School of Medicine (FMB), São Paulo State University, Botucatu 01049-010, SP, Brazil; (R.T.M.); (F.O.L.)
Abstract:Prostate cancer (PCa) is the leading cause of cancer-associated mortality in men, and new biomarkers are still needed. The expression pattern and protein tissue localization of proteoglycans of the syndecan family (SDC 1–4) and syntenin-1 (SDCBP) were determined in normal and prostatic tumor tissue from two genetically engineered mouse models and human prostate tumors. Studies were validated using SDC 1–4 and SDCBP mRNA levels and patient survival data from The Cancer Genome Atlas and CamCAP databases. RNAseq showed increased expression of Sdc1 in Pb-Cre4/Ptenf/f mouse Pca and upregulation of Sdc3 expression and downregulation of Sdc2 and Sdc4 when compared to the normal prostatic tissue in Pb-Cre4/Trp53f/f-;Rb1f/f mouse tumors. These changes were confirmed by immunohistochemistry. In human PCa, SDC 1–4 and SDCBP immunostaining showed variable localization. Furthermore, Kaplan–Meier analysis showed that patients expressing SDC3 had shorter prostate-specific survival than those without SDC3 expression (log-rank test, p = 0.0047). Analysis of the MSKCC-derived expression showed that SDC1 and SDC3 overexpression is predictive of decreased biochemical recurrence-free survival (p = 0.0099 and p = 0.045, respectively), and SDC4 overexpression is predictive of increased biochemical recurrence-free survival (p = 0.035). SDC4 overexpression was associated with a better prognosis, while SDC1 and SDC3 were associated with more aggressive tumors and a worse prognosis.
Keywords:syndecan  prostate cancer  outcome  prognostic marker  survival  gene expression
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