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Anatomical and scanning electron microscopic investigations of the tongue and laryngeal entrance in the long-legged buzzard (Buteo rufinus, cretzschmar, 1829)
Authors:Erdoǧan Serkan  Pèrez William  Alan Aydin
Affiliation:Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, University of Dicle, Diyarbakir 21280, Turkey. serkanerdogan101@hotmail.com, serkanerdogan@dicle.edu.tr.
Abstract:This research aimed to examine the morphological features of the tongue and laryngeal entrance of long‐legged buzzard by macroscopic and scanning electron microscopic methods. Two adult buzzards were used as material. The tongue was fairly elongated and terminated in oval shovel‐like apex. Scale‐like projections were localized on the apex and body of tongue. Both lateral sides of lingual body were contained considerably long thread‐like projections. Many orifices of lingual posterior salivary glands were discerned among scale‐like projections in median sulcus of the lingual body. Papillary crest of sharp conical papilla were observed on the between the body and root of the tongue. No conical papillae or other projections were existent on the root of the tongue, but numerous orifices of posterior salivary gland ducts were detected. In addition, orifices of anterior salivary gland ducts were present on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the lingual body. Numerous conical papillae were observed on the caudal region of glottis and no conical papillae or any similar projection which were bordered the glottic fissure was noted. Anatomy of these organs in the long‐legged buzzard and white tailed eagle which are the member of the same family, Accipitridae, revealed very high similarity. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:1245–1252, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Keywords:anatomy  SEM  tongue  laryngeal entrance  buzzard
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