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Transdermal Absorption of Zidovudine from Ethanol-Isopropyl Myristate Mixed System and Influence of Probenecid on It in Rats
Authors:Yi Jin   Toshinobu Seki  Kazuhiko Juni
Affiliation: a Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Josai University, Sakado, Saitama, Japan
Abstract:Transdermal absorption of zidovudine (AZT) from an ethanol-isopropyl myristate (IPM) mixed system was examined in rats. For comparison of bioavailability (BA) after topical applications, 0.25 ml of the ethanol/IPM system containing 40% ethanol and 60 mM AZT was applied as a standard formulation. Values of the area under the plasma concentration-time curves of AZT for 8 hr (AUC0-8), as indices of BA, following application of various formulations were compared with that of the standard formulation. Then the influence of content of the drug and ethanol, and application volume of the system was evaluated. BA was effectively improved only when the total amount of ethanol applied on the skin was increased. On the other hand, simultaneous transdermal application of AZT and probenecid increased the AU0-8, of AZT without necessitating the increase in ethanol content in the formulation. In addition, coadministered probenecid improved cerebrospinal fluid/plasma concentration ratio of AZT.
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