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引用本文:袁秉衡 蒋笑霞. 中国含油气构造的成因类型[J]. 石油学报, 1989, 10(3): 12-19. DOI: 10.7623/syxb198903002
作者姓名:袁秉衡 蒋笑霞
摘    要:我国含油气盆地,由于所处的板块构造位置不同、板块构造运动方式不同,形成了西部以挤压为主的聚敛型沉积盆地、东部的扩张型沉积盆地和中部(太行山一武陵山以西)的过渡型沉积盆地。根据含油气构造几何形态、成因机制,综合岩石圈板块运动方式,我国的含油气构造可分为两大类、六种主要类型。即沉积盖层重力滑动型——逆冲断层型、同生构造型和底辟构造型;基底控制型——张性断块型、压性断块型、扭动断块型等。各种类型中还包括若干亚类。逆冲断层构造型生长在西部盆地和中部盆地造山带的前缘;同生构造型往往发育在东部裂谷型盆地之中;底辟构造型常出现在东部裂谷盆地中;张性断块以东部地区为多见,挤压类型盆地也有;压性构造多发育在西部挤压型盆地与中部过渡型盆地之中,扭动断块在西部、中部、东部等盆地中均可发现。我国几乎具有世界上沉积盆地中的各种形式的局部构造类型,但由于具体地质构造背景不同,故其在成因、形态上有所差异。特别是我国的许多复合式盆地,由于演化中地质构造应力条件经过多次变化,因而常有中间型的构造或几种类型的混合型构造。

关 键 词:油气盆地 含油气构造 成因

Yuan Bingheng,Jiang Xiaoxia. GENETICAL CLASSIFICATION OF HYDROCARBON BEARING STRUCTURES IN CHINA[J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 1989, 10(3): 12-19. DOI: 10.7623/syxb198903002
Authors:Yuan Bingheng  Jiang Xiaoxia
Affiliation:Petroleum Geophysical Prospecting Bureau
Abstract:The hydrocarbon bearing structures distributed in different plate tectonics setting can be grouped into (1) convergent sedimentary basins in the west,(2) divergent sedimentary basins in the east and (3) transitional basins in the middle (Taihang mountain-Wuling mountain) according to the mode of plate movement.Based on the structural history,genetic mechanism,geometrical configuration and plate movement,the hydrocarbon bearing structures are classified into two types and six sub-types.The first type of gravity sliding structures in the sedimentary cover includes three sub-types: overthrust structure.rollover structure and diapiric structure.The second type of basement-controlled structures includes three sub-types: tensional fault block,compressional fault block and wrench fault block.The rollover structures generally occur in rift basins in the east part of China,overthrust structures lie at the frontal zones of orogens in the west and middle parts,and diapiric structures are usually in rift basins in the east part.Tensional fault blocks are mostly found in the east part of China and in compressional basins as well,compressional fault blocks mainly lie in compressional basins and transitional basins in the west and middle parts of China,wrench fault blocks can be found in the east,middle and west parts.Nearly all types of local structures in sedimentary basins all over the world can be found in China.However,those in China differ in their shape and genesis resulting from different geological environments.Especially in the complex basins,which experienced varying geological stress conditions,there occur transitional or mixed-type structures.
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