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Rotifer communities in the Laurentian Great Lakes, 1983–2006 and factors affecting their composition
Authors:Richard P. Barbiero  Glenn J. Warren
Affiliation:aCSC Inc. and Loyola University Chicago, 1359 W. Elmdale Ave #2 Chicago, IL 60660, USA;bUSEPA Great Lakes National Program Office, 77 W. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604, USA
Abstract:Rotifer communities were examined from the open waters of the Laurentian Great Lakes between 1983 and 2006 in the first inter-lake comparison involving all five lakes. Seventy rotifer taxa were found in summer samples, although most (> 80%) individuals were drawn from the following taxa: Conochilus unicornis, Polyarthra vulgaris, Keratella cochlearis, Kellicottia longispina, Keratella crassa, Synchaeta spp., Polyarthra major, Ploesoma truncatum, Keratella earlinae, and Keratella quadrata. Distributions of Filinia longiseta and several species of Brachionus and Trichocera were restricted to regions of higher trophy, notably the western basin of Lake Erie, but most taxa were widely distributed, differing in relative dominance rather than presence or absence. Rotifer community structure appeared to respond in tractable ways to differences in trophic state, with the four most common genera exhibited the following preferences, in order of decreasing trophy: Polyarthra, Keratella, Conochilus, and Kellicottia. Recent oligotrophication in Lake Huron was reflected in decreases in Keratella dominance and increased dominance of Conochilus, while in Lake Michigan oligotrophication was associated with decreases in Polyarthra and Keratella and increases in Conochilus, and Kellicottia. In Lake Ontario, the appearance of the exotic predatory Cercopagis pengoi was strongly associated with dramatic reductions in Polyarthra, while more gradual sequential increases in the dominance of Keratella, Conochilus and Kellicottia were probably the result of decreasing trophic state. Bythotrephes was identified in multivariate analyses as correlating strongly with rotifer composition, although only in Lake Michigan was a clear relationship between the predatory cladoceran and rotifer species shifts observed.
Keywords:Rotifers   Zooplankton   Trophic state   Predation   Cercopagis   Bythotrephes
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