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Glass Formation in the System SiO2–PbO Containing Transition-Metal Oxides
Authors:Atsumi Nitta  Terumi Miura  Takayuki Komatsu  Kazumasa Matusita
Affiliation:Department of Materials Science and Technology, Technological University of Nagaoka, Kamitomiokacho, Nagaoka, Niigata-ken 940-21, Japan
Abstract:Glass-forming regions, valence states, and viscosities in SiO2–PbO systems containing various transition-metal oxides as a third component were investigated. The glasses were prepared by melting in an open atmosphere. The glass-forming regions ranged as follows: MnO≡ZnO > FeO1.5>NiO. The ratios Fe2+/(Fe2++ Fe3+) and Mn3+/ (Mn3++ Mn2+) in the glasses were determined by chemical analysis. The Fe2+/ (Fe2++ Fe3+) ratio in SiO2–PbO–FeO1.5 glasses ranged from 0.016 to 0.050. The Mn3+/ (Mn3++ Mn2+) ratio in SiO2–PbO–MnO glasses ranged from 0.056 to 0.30. The fraction of manganese (III) ions in the glasses varies considerably with the glass composition. The effects of transitionmetal oxides on the viscosity are discussed.
Keywords:glass    silica    lead oxide    transition metals    manganes oxide
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