Abstract: | Patterns of change are documented for pineland and marsh, two habitats that are significant for 273 of the 326 native terrestrial vertebrates within the Immokalee Rise region of Florida. Area of both habitats, average patch sizes, and association of patches with patches of the same type and different types changed dramatically from ca. 1900 to 1989. Patterns of change were slightly different from ca. 1900 to 1973 and 1973 to 1989, with more large-scale removal of patches occurring in the former time period. Fragmentation of remaining patches was greatest from 1973 to 1989. In addition to loss and fragmentation of habitat, the association of the two habitat types has been altered. Pineland and marsh have become separated from each other thereby altering, if not destroying, the important upland-wetland linkages naturally present in the region. Drawing from previous studies of species-habitat associations and fragmentation impacts on wildlife in other areas, we form some general conclusions on the implications of these changes on regional biodiversity. Species most severely impacted by the change are most likely those requiring large contiguous areas, requiring interior pineland habitat, and those that use both uplands and marsh. It is probably not a coincidence that 65% of the species rare in the region use pineland or marsh. Continued chipping away at the remaining habitat without regard for the importance of the spatial arrangement and regional context will continue to impact regional biodiversity. A regional perspective to agricultural development is needed to maintain the native biodiversity in the region. Efforts should be made to preserve the remaining large tracts of habitat and seek to restore connections between critical habitats. Maintance of biodiversity will require a regional perspective to agricultural development. Large tracts of remaining habitat must be preserved and connections between critical habitat restored. |