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Structural Studies of the Lipopolysaccharide of Aeromonas veronii bv. sobria Strain K133 Which Represents New Provisional Serogroup PGO1 Prevailing among Mesophilic Aeromonads on Polish Fish Farms
Authors:Katarzyna Dworaczek,Maria Kurzylewska,Magdalena Laban,Dominika Drzewiecka,Agnieszka Pę  kala-Safiń  ska,Anna Turska-Szewczuk
Abstract:In the present work, we performed immunochemical studies of LPS, especially the O-specific polysaccharide (O-PS) of Aeromonas veronii bv. sobria strain K133, which was isolated from the kidney of carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) during an outbreak of motile aeromonad infection/motile aeromonad septicemia (MAI/MAS) on a Polish fish farm. The structural characterization of the O-PS, which was obtained by mild acid degradation of the LPS, was performed with chemical methods, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. It was revealed that the O-PS has a unique composition of a linear tetrasaccharide repeating unit and contains a rarely occurring sugar 2,4-diamino-2,4,6-trideoxy-D-glucose (bacillosamine), which may determine the specificity of the serogroup. Western blotting and ELISA confirmed that A. veronii bv. sobria strain K133 belongs to the new serogroup PGO1, which is one of the most commonly represented immunotypes among carp and trout isolates of Aeromonas sp. in Polish aquacultures. Considering the increase in the MAI/MAS incidences and their impact on freshwater species, also with economic importance, and in the absence of an effective immunoprophylaxis, studies of the Aeromonas O-antigens are relevant in the light of epidemiological data and monitoring emergent pathogens representing unknown antigenic variants and serotypes.
Keywords:Aeromonas   fish pathogen   lipopolysaccharide (LPS)   structure elucidation   O-antigen   O-polysaccharide   bacillosamine   d-QuiN4N   NMR spectroscopy   MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry
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