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作者姓名:毛家义  毛文奇
摘    要:2014年3月,中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会颁布了《关于建立健全居民生活用气阶梯价格制度的指导意见》,要求所有已通气城市在2015年底以前建立起居民生活用气阶梯价格制度。而对居民用户气量进行准确计量是实行阶梯气价的基础。安装普通燃气表的居民用户,需要燃气公司抄表人员入户抄表计量。但到规定的抄表日期,部分用户家中无人或故意不开门,以致抄表人员无法入户抄表,只能对用户的用气量进行估计,由此可能产生计量误差。在阶梯气价制度下,上述差异会对用户交纳的燃气费产生一定影响。分析不同类型普通燃气表用户的用气情况可知:对用户的估计气量大于实际气量,且估计气量比实际气量高出一档或两档,会多计用户燃气费;对用户的估计气量小于实际气量,且估计气量比实际气量低一档或两档,则会少计用户燃气费。由此可见,对居民用户用气量进行准确计量,是建立和完善阶梯气价制度的基础。因此,要消除普通燃气表因估计气量误差对用户燃气费的影响,燃气公司一方面应加强宣传按期抄表的重要性,而另一方面应加快对居民用户燃气表的改造升级步伐,尽快将普通燃气表改换成远程智能燃气表。

关 键 词:阶梯气价  居民用气  普通燃气表  估计  燃气费  差异  影响

Impact of tiered gas pricing on the ordinary gas meter users
Mao Jiayi;Mao Wenqi.Impact of tiered gas pricing on the ordinary gas meter users[J].Natural Gas Industry,2015,35(2):110-113.
Authors:Mao Jiayi;Mao Wenqi
Affiliation:1.Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, PetroChina, Chengdu, Sichuan 610051, China; 2.Jincheng School of Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610000, China
Abstract:In March 2014, the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission issued the Recommendations on Establishing and Completing the Tiered Gas Pricing for Household Uses, which requires the tiered gas pricing system should be set up for those urban gas users by the end of 2015. Therefore, how to realize the accurate gas measurement becomes the first important step. As for those ordinary gas meter users, meter measurement has usually been done door to door by meter-reading personnel. However, on the scheduled date, some users are not at home or deliberately refuse to open their door so their consumed gas amount has to be estimated, which will surely result in metering errors. Under the present tiered gas pricing mechanism, those errors will have a negative impact on a user's pay for his or her gas fee. If the estimated gas amount is one or two levels higher than the actual amount, the user will pay much more; on the contrary, the user will pay much less. Therefore, accurate meter measurement is the basic step for establishing and completing the tiered gas pricing system. In conclusion, in order to eliminate the negative impact of metering errors, a gas company should not only notify each ordinary gas meter user of the importance of on-time meter reading but better replace ordinary gas meters with remote and intelligent ones.
Keywords:Tiered gas pricing  Domestic gas use  Ordinary gas meter  Estimation  Gas fee  Difference  Impact  
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