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Assessment of quality changes in frozen sardine (Sardina pilchardus) by fluorescence detection
Authors:Santiago P. Aubourg  Carmen G. Sotelo  Ricardo Pérez-Martín
Affiliation:(1) Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (CSIC), C/E. Cabello, 6, 36208 Vigo, Spain
The formation of fluorescent compounds was tested as a quality assessment during the frozen storage of sardine at −18°C (up to 24 mon) and at −10°C (up to 120 d). The fluorescence ratio between two excitation/emission maxima (393/463 and 327/415 nm) was studied in the aqueous (δF aq) and organic (δF or) extracts after Bligh and Dyer extraction of the white muscle. Fluorescence results were compared to common quality indices [total volatile base-nitrogen (TVB-N); conjugated dienes; thiobarbituric acid index (TBA-i); and free fatty acids (FFA)]. δF aq showed good correlations with storage time (r=0.80 and r=0.72 at −18 and −10°C, respectively) and TBA-i (r=0.92 and r=0.81). Principal-component analysis grouped δF aq with quality indices that are sensitive for the assessment of fish damage during frozen storage at both temperatures (TBA-i and FFA at −18°C; BVT-N, TBA-i, and FFA at −10°C). According to these results, fluorescence detection of interaction compounds in the aqueous phase can provide an accurate method to assess quality differences during frozen storage of fish.
Keywords:Fluorescence  frozen storage  interaction compounds  lipid damages  sardine
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