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Soft soil Treatment for Large Coal-fired Power Plant
引用本文:Zhang Jianfeng,Guo Peixin,Lu Zhiming,Jin Zhixiong. Soft soil Treatment for Large Coal-fired Power Plant[J]. 电气, 1997, 0(4)
作者姓名:Zhang Jianfeng  Guo Peixin  Lu Zhiming  Jin Zhixiong
摘    要:1.PrefaceLargecoal-firedp0werplantsdesignedbyECEPDIarewidelydistributed0verthecountry.Sincethesepowerplantsrequirealotofcoolingwater,mostofthemarel0catedatbank0fbigrivers,0rlocatedatseacoasts.Thesoilofthesiteatriverbankisoftencomposedoffluvialdepositofriverdelta,whilethatofthesiteatc0astalregionis0ftencomposedofshoredep0sit.AlargethicknessoflooseQuaternarydep0sitsexistsintheseregions.Thes0ilatthedepth0f3~20m0rmoreissoftclayeys0ilwithhighcompression,highsensitivity,lowstrengthandlowpermeabi…

Soft soil Treatment for Large Coal-fired Power Plant
Zhang Jianfeng,Guo Peixin,Lu Zhiming,Jin Zhixiong. Soft soil Treatment for Large Coal-fired Power Plant[J]. Electricity, 1997, 0(4)
Authors:Zhang Jianfeng  Guo Peixin  Lu Zhiming  Jin Zhixiong
Affiliation:Zhang Jianfeng;Guo Peixin;Lu Zhiming;Jin Zhixiong
Abstract:This paper describes the engineeringapplication of soil improvement in manylarge coal-fired power plants designed byEast China Electric Power Design Institute.Soil improvement technology is especiallysuitable for strengthening soft soil. Exceptfor increasing soil bearing capacity andcontrolling soil deformation, it can also beused to eliminate loose sand liquefactionunder seismic loading, or to strengthen slopestability. The applications introduced in thispaper include dynamic consolidation,drained consolidation, stone pile, soil-cement mixed pile, jet grouting andcompacting grouting, reinforced earth, etc.The kinds of soil layer to be improvedinclude typical Shanghai soft soil, loose siltand silt sand, miscellaneous fill andhydraulic filled soil. As a result of thetreatments described in this paper, nobuilding fissures caused by soil differentialsettlement had ever occurred in the powerplants engineered by ECEPDI andconstructed in 1990s.
Keywords:soft soil soil improvement soil bearing capacity soil settlement
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