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摘    要:我国向来以地大物博而著称,自然资源丰富、农产品品种繁多,为我国食品深加工提供了得天独厚的原料优势;同时,由于自然人文因素多样,在悠久的历史中,形成了大批如金华火腿、宁夏枸杞、山东大花生、新疆葡萄等具有浓厚地域特点的农副土特产品。然而,也正因为我国是一个发展中的国家,具有人口众多、生产力发展总体水平较低的特点,导致各个地区的经济发展极不均衡。如何充分利用农产品优势,大力发展食品深加工工业,以推动地域经济,成为各地方政府及食品企业尤为重视的问题。从本期开始,我们特开辟一个新的栏目——地方食风,为各地展示食品工业及特色食品的发展提供一个平台。

关 键 词:奶业发展  吴忠市  西部  食品企业  产品优势  生产力发展  资源丰富  产品品种

The Western Dairy City Wuzhong is Breaking through in Muslim Dainy
Abstract:Muslim people account for 48.48% total population in Wuzhong City.Depending on this trait and excellent operational model, Muslim dairy industry development is soaring in Wuzhong.Muslim dairy industry is the mainstay of local rural economics.In 2006, Wuzhong raised 139,000 cattle,which were 20,000 more than last year.The yield of fresh milk was 410,000 tons,increased by 18.2%. At the beginning of this year,the total output of milk in Ningxia autonomous region was 647,342 tons,and Wuzhongshi's produc- tion accounted for 47.43%,reached 307,047 tons.In Wuzhong,the income from dairy is 2166.4 RMB for each farmer.Thus,dairy industry has played an important role in farmers financial improvement.Wuzhong city has been set an example as a dairy production town and appreciated by State Food and Drug Administration.Nowadays,Wuzhong is going to establish 100 standardized cow breeding farms,each for 300 cows.These farms will be equipped with entire modern facilities,including cow houses, milking houses,information network and other facilities for hybridization,epidemic prevention and so on.The further develop- ment of Muslim dairy industry in Wuzhong City is achieving with 6 million RMB investment and other strong supports.
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