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Learning to pour with a robot arm combining goal and shape learning for dynamic movement primitives
Authors:Minija Tamosiunaite,Bojan Nemec,Ale&scaron   Ude,Florentin Wö  rgö  tter[Author vitae]
Affiliation:aUniversity Göttingen, Institute for Physics 3 - Biophysics, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1, 37077 Göttingen, Germany;bVytautas Magnus University, Department of Informatics, Vileikos 8, 44404 Kaunas, Lithuania;cJo?ef Stefan Institute, Department of Automatics, Biocybernetics, and Robotics, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abstract:When describing robot motion with dynamic movement primitives (DMPs), goal (trajectory endpoint), shape and temporal scaling parameters are used. In reinforcement learning with DMPs, usually goals and temporal scaling parameters are predefined and only the weights for shaping a DMP are learned. Many tasks, however, exist where the best goal position is not a priori known, requiring to learn it. Thus, here we specifically address the question of how to simultaneously combine goal and shape parameter learning. This is a difficult problem because learning of both parameters could easily interfere in a destructive way. We apply value function approximation techniques for goal learning and direct policy search methods for shape learning. Specifically, we use “policy improvement with path integrals” and “natural actor critic” for the policy search. We solve a learning-to-pour-liquid task in simulations as well as using a Pa10 robot arm. Results for learning from scratch, learning initialized by human demonstration, as well as for modifying the tool for the learned DMPs are presented. We observe that the combination of goal and shape learning is stable and robust within large parameter regimes. Learning converges quickly even in the presence of disturbances, which makes this combined method suitable for robotic applications.
Keywords:Reinforcement learning     stixSupport"   id="  mmlsi29"  >  inlMMLBox"  >  submitCitation('/science?_ob=MathURL&  _method=retrieve&  _eid=1-s2.0-S0921889011001254&  _mathId=si29.gif&  _pii=S0921889011001254&  _issn=09218890&  _acct=C000051805&  _version=1&  _userid=1154080&  md5=4f9ab4ca571112566727e46d1f943036')"   style="  cursor:pointer  "  >  click to view the MathML source"  >PI2-method   Natural actor critic   Value function approximation   Dynamic movement primitives
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