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An algorithm comparison for dynamic optimization problems
Authors:Ignacio G. del Amo,David A. Pelta,Juan R. Gonzá  lez,Antonio D. Masegosa
Affiliation:Models of Decision and Optimization Research Group (MODO), Dept. of Computer Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, ICT Research Centre (CITIC-UGR), C/ Periodista Rafael Gomez, 2, University of Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain
Abstract:This work presents a study on the performance of several algorithms on different continuous dynamic optimization problems. Eight algorithms have been used: SORIGA (an Evolutionary Algorithm), an agents-based algorithm, the mQSO (a widely used multi-population PSO) as well as three heuristic-rule-based variations of it, and two trajectory-based cooperative strategies. The algorithms have been tested on the Moving Peaks Benchmark and the dynamic version of the Ackley, Griewank and Rastrigin functions. For each problem, a wide variety of configuration variations have been used, emphasizing the influence of dynamism, and using a full-factorial experimental design. The results give an interesting overview of the properties of the algorithms and their applicability, and provide useful hints to face new problems of this type with the best algorithmic approach. Additionally, a recently introduced methodology for comparing a high number of experimental results in a graphical way is used.
Keywords:Dynamic optimization problems   Evolutionary Algorithms   PSO   Multi-agents   Cooperative strategies   MPB   Ackley   Griewank   Rastrigin
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