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Controllability of the Semilinear Beam Equation
Authors:A. Carrasco  H. Leiva  J. Sanchez
Affiliation:1. Departamento de Matemática, Decanato de Ciencias, Universidad de Centro Occidental L. Alvarado, Barquisimeto, 5101, Venezuela
2. Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de los Andes, Mérida, 5101, Venezuela
3. Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
Abstract:In this paper, we prove the approximate controllability of the following semilinear beam equation: $$ left{ begin{array}{lll} displaystyle{partial^{2} y(t,x) over partial t^{2}} & = & 2betaDeltadisplaystylefrac{partial y(t,x)}{partial t}- Delta^{2}y(t,x)+ u(t,x) + f(t,y,y_{t},u),; mbox{in}; (0,tau)timesOmega, y(t,x) & = & Delta y(t,x)= 0 , mbox{on}; (0,tau)timespartialOmega, y(0,x) & = & y_{0}(x), y_{t}(x)=v_{0}(x), x in Omega, end{array} right. $$ in the states space $Z_{1}=D(Delta)times L^{2}(Omega)$ with the graph norm, where β?>?1, Ω is a sufficiently regular bounded domain in IR N , the distributed control u belongs to L 2([0,τ];U) (U?=?L 2(Ω)), and the nonlinear function $f:[0,tau]times I!!Rtimes I!!Rtimes I!!Rlongrightarrow I!!R$ is smooth enough and there are a,c?∈?IR such that $a and $$ displaystylesuplimits_{(t,y,v,u)in Q_{tau}}mid f(t,y,v,u) - ay -cumid where Q τ ?=?[0,τIR×IR×IR. We prove that for all τ?>?0, this system is approximately controllable on [0,τ].
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