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Parallel breadth-first search algorithms for trees and graphs
Abstract:Parallel Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithms for ordered trees and graphs on a shared memory model of a Single Instruction-stream Multiple Data-stream computer are proposed. The parallel BFS algorithm for trees computes the BFS rank of eachnode of an ordered tree consisting of n nodes in time of 0(β log n) when 0(n 1+1/β) processors are used, β being an integer greater than or equal to 2. The parallel BFS algorithm for graphs produces Breadth-First Spanning Trees (BFSTs) of a directedgraph G having n nodes in time 0(log d.log n) using 0(n 3) processors, where d is the diameter of G If G is a strongly connected graph or a connected undirected graph the BFS algorithm produces n BFSTs, each BFST having a different start node.
Keywords:Parallel algorithm  serial algorithm  partial tree  atomic tree  root-subtree  BFSC  preorder  time complexity
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