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Internalisation of external cost in the power generation sector: Analysis with Global Multi-regional MARKAL model
Authors:Peter Rafaj  Socrates Kypreos
Affiliation:Energy Economics Modelling Group, General Energy Department, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232. Villigen-PSI, Switzerland
Abstract:The Global MARKAL-Model (GMM), a multi-regional “bottom-up” partial equilibrium model of the global energy system with endogenous technological learning, is used to address impacts of internalisation of external costs from power production. This modelling approach imposes additional charges on electricity generation, which reflect the costs of environmental and health damages from local pollutants (SO2, NOx) and climate change, wastes, occupational health, risk of accidents, noise and other burdens. Technologies allowing abatement of pollutants emitted from power plants are rapidly introduced into the energy system, for example, desulphurisation, NOx removal, and CO2 scrubbers. The modelling results indicate substantial changes in the electricity production system in favour of natural gas combined cycle, nuclear power and renewables induced by internalisation of external costs and also efficiency loss due to the use of scrubbers. Structural changes and fuel switching in the electricity sector result in significant reduction of emissions of both local pollution and CO2 over the modelled time period. Strong decarbonisation impact of internalising local externalities suggests that ancillary benefits can be expected from policies directly addressing other issues then CO2 mitigation. Finally, the detailed analysis of the total generation cost of different technologies points out that inclusion of external cost in the price of electricity increases competitiveness of non-fossil generation sources and fossil power plants with emission control.
Keywords:¢  , cent (10&minus  2$)   ASIA, developing Asian countries: Centrally Planned Asia, India, South East Asia, Pacific Asia   C, carbon   CHP, combined heat and power (cogeneration)   CI, carbon intensity (tonne CO2/GJ)   CNG, compressed natural gas   CO2, carbon dioxide   DeNOx, nitrogen oxides abatement, denitrification   DeSOx, sulphur oxides abatement, desulphurisation   EC, european Commission   ED, elastic demands   EEFSU, eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union   ETL, endogenous technological learning   ExternE, externalities of energy   FC, fuel cell   FGD, flue gas desulphurisation   GDP, gross domestic product (T$/yr)   GFC, gas fuel cell (based on natural gas)   GHG, greenhouse gas   GMM, global multi-regional Markal model   GtC, giga tonnes carbon (109 ton)   H2FC, hydrogen fuel cell   IGCC, integrated coal gasification combined cycle   IPCC, intergovernmental panel on climate change   LAFM, latin America, Africa, and Middle East region   LBD, learning-by-doing   LWR, light water reactor   MARKAL, market allocation model   mill, mills (10&minus  3$)   Mt, mega ton (106   ton)   NAME, North American region   NCCR, The National Centre of Competence in Research   NGCC, natural gas combined cycle   NNU, New (design of) nuclear power plant   NOx, nitrogen oxides   O&  M Cost, operation and maintenance cost   OECD, organization for Economic Cooperation and Development   OOECD, other OECD region: Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand   PFBC, pressurised fluidised bed combustion   ppmv, parts per million by volume   pr, progress Ratio   PSI, Paul Scherrer Institut   RD&  D, Research, development and demonstration   RES, reference energy system   SO2, sulphur dioxide   SPV, solar photovoltaic system   SRES, special report on emission scenarios   T&  D, transport and distribution   WTP, willingness to pay   η, conversion efficiency
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