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Experiments of Initiation of Covered,but Unconfined HE Charges under different test conditions by shaped charge jets
Authors:M Held
Abstract:The initiation behavior of TNT/RDX 35/65 high explosive charges under the impact of the jet from a 44 mm diameter shaped charge with 7.8 mm/m̈s jet tip velocity, which has previously perforated a 100 mm thick barrier is reported. In these tests,
  • the high explosive charge under test was divided into different sections by transverse air gaps, with the first section being in contact with the barrier, or
  • the 100 mm thick barrier was sub-divided in such a way that one part of it was in contact with the high explosive charge under test, or
  • various air gaps, ranging from 0.5 mm to 450 mm, were made between the acceptor charge and the barrier.
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