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Multimer formation as a consequence of separate homodimerization domains: the human c-Jun leucine zipper is a transplantable dimerization module
Authors:Riley, L.G.   Ralston, G.B.   Weiss, A.S.
Affiliation:Department of Biochemistry, University of Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Abstract:Human c-Jun and c-Fos leucine zipper domains were examined fortheir ability to serve as autonomous dimerization domains aspart of a heterologous protein construct. Schistosoma japonicumglutathione S-transferase (GST) was fused to recombinant Junleucine zipper (rJunLZ) and Fos leucine zipper (rFosLZ) domains.SDS–PAGE ‘snapshot’ analyses based on disulphidelinkage of monomers demonstrated the ability of rJunLZ to functionas a dimerization motif in a foreign protein environment. Sterichindrance prevented formation of rJunLZ–GST::rFosLZ–GSTheterodimers whereas rJunLZ–GST::rFosLZ and rJunLZ::rFosLZ–GSTformed readily. Furthermore, rJunLZ–GST generated homodimerssuggesting fusion protein heterodimers interact differentlyto homodimers. Gel filtration chromatography confirmed thatGST is a dimer in solution and that attachment of a leucinezipper domain allows further interactions to take place. Sedimentationequilibrium analyses showed that GST is a stable dimer (Ka >106 M-1) with no higher multimeric forms. rFosLZ–GST weaklyassociates beyond a dimer (Ka {small tilde}4x105 M-1) and rJunLZ–GSTassociates indefinitely (Ka {small tilde}4x106 M-1), consistentwith an isodesmic model of association. The interaction of theseleucine zippers independently of GST association demonstratestheir utility in the modification of proteins when multimerformation is desired.
Keywords:c-Fos/  c-Jun/  glutathione S-transferase/  leucine zipper/  multimer
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