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引用本文:赵荣光. 我对中国现时代“韩国料理热”现象的思考[J]. 饮食文化研究, 2007, 0(1): 3-12
摘    要:本文对自20世纪末在中国广阔地域逐渐蔚起的“韩国料理热”这样一个进行时态的社会文化现象作了深入全面的讨论。既往的30年,中国文化发生了颠覆性的历史变化,中国社会亦同步深刻分化。其间中国人的自觉意识和自振努力始终没有停止过,有希望的社会群体在深怀忧虑的同时努力和期待着。恰值此时,“韩流”文化热开始兴起。可以说,处于“美流”西风劲吹与“韩流”东风力挺的交汇处,历史给予中国了一次更深刻思考之机和推动振兴之力。“韩流”是东西方文化有效结合形成的现象,是韩国综合实力支撑的结果。中国人正是在这样的态势下接纳“韩国料理”,并以普遍的亲近认同心态蔚成了中国大地的“韩国料理热”。这股“韩国料理热”风,主要由以泡菜为重点的韩式食品、食料的进入、消费、影响,韩式料理店的普遍经营,韩式料理的进入寻常百姓家庭这样三重界面构成。“韩国料理热”不会是永久的,但“韩国料理”却会是长久的,在保有“本土传统”的理念下“入乡随俗”,将是其生存发展趋势,最终长久生存的将是“中国韩餐”。

关 键 词:韩国料理 韩国料理热 韩流 中国韩餐

Thought on the Phenomena of the Pop of Korean Cooking Nowadays in China
Abstract:This article discusses deep on the societal cultural phenomenon that the Korean cooking is very pop in the wide of China in the end of 20th century. China took place subversively historical change and Chinese society also differentiated profoundly at the same time during the past thirty years. At that time South Korean Trend began to spring up. What we can say is that history gives our a chance to think deeper and the power to develop vigorously when we stand at the meeting point of the west wind blowing strongly of American Trend and the east wind pushing forward in- tensively of South Korean Trend. South Korean Trend is the phenomenon that forms through the effectively combining east culture with west culture and the result that is supported by overall national strength of South Korea. Chinese accept Korean cooking just at this situation and cause the pop of Korean cooking in the widely familiar and self - identity psycholo~. This pop of Korean cooking is made up of three interfaces, including the en- trance, consumption and infection of Korean food and foodstuff, the wide management of Korean restaurant and the current of cooking Korean food in Chinese common families. The pop of Korean cooking will not be long, but Korean cooking will continue. While in Rome, do as Rome dose. Chinese Korean - cooking will be the trend that Korean cooking survive and develop in China,
Keywords:Korean cooking the pop of Korean cooking South Korean Trend Chinese Korean - cooking
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