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Nondestructive local analysis of current-voltage characteristics of solar cells by lock-in thermography
Authors:Otwin Breitenstein
Affiliation:Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics, Weinberg 2, D-06120 Halle, Germany
Abstract:By evaluating dark lock-in thermography images taken at one reverse and three forward biases, images of all two-diode-parameters J01, J02, n (ideality factor of J02), and Gp (the parallel Ohmic conductivity) of the dark current-voltage characteristic are obtained. A local series resistance is explicitly considered and may be provided as a series resistance image, e.g. resulting from luminescence imaging. The results enable a separate investigation of factors influencing the depletion region recombination current and the diffusion current, which is governed by the bulk lifetime. Local I-V characteristics of special sites may be simulated.
Keywords:Solar cells   Local analysis   Dark IV characteristics   Lock-in thermography
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