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Collective Practices in Common Information Spaces: Insight From Two Case Studies
Authors:Demosthenes Akoumianakis  Chrisoula Alexandraki
Affiliation:Technological Education Institution of Crete , Greece
Abstract:This research explores the design of practice toolkits as components, distinct from community management systems, allowing members of a virtual community to engage in the practice the community is about. Our analysis is informed by two case studies in different application domains each presenting alternative but complementary insights to the design of computer-mediated practice toolkits. The first case study describes how established practices in music performance are encapsulated in a suitably augmented music notation toolkit so as to support the learning objectives of virtual teams engaged in music master classes. The second case study presents experience with the development of a toolkit for engaging in the practice of vacation package assembly. This time the virtual team is a cross-organization virtual community of practice whose members streamline their efforts by internalizing and performing in accordance to a new (virtual) practice. Findings from the two studies reveal two distinct orientations in the design of practice toolkits. Specifically, in application domains where practices are well established (i.e., music performance), the toolkit serves as the medium for reconstructing an existing practice in virtual settings. In contrast, when cross-organization collaboration is involved (i.e., vacation package assembly), the toolkit should be designed so as to encapsulate a “meta”-practice, exhibiting both boundary and locality.
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