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Nonequilibrium modeling study on plasma flow features in a low-power nitrogen/hydrogen arcjet thruster
Authors:Qingsong HE  Haixing WANG
Affiliation:School of Astronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 100191, People's Republic of China
Abstract:Gasdynamic flow features in an electrothermal arcjet thruster with a mixture of 1:2 nitrogen/ hydrogen as the working gas have been studied by a two-temperature numerical simulation.Seven species and 17 kinetic processes are included in the chemical kinetic model used to represent dissociation,ionization,and the corresponding recombination reactions in this nitrogen/hydrogen mixture system.Based on the gas flow characteristics inside the arcjet nozzle,a new method is introduced to define the edge of the cold boundary layer,which is more convenient to analyze the evolution and development of plasma flow in an arcjet thruster.The results show that the arcjet thruster performance is determined largely by the exchange of energy and momentum between the low-density,high-temperature arc region and the high-density,coolttow region near the nozzle wall.A significant thermal nonequilibrium is found in the cold boundary layer in the expansion portion of the nozzle.The important chemical kinetic processes determining the distribution of hydrogen and nitrogen species in different flow regions are presented.It has been shown that the reaction rate of hydrogen species ionization impacted by electrons is much higher than that of nitrogen species ionization in the center of the constrictor of the arcjet thruster.This indicates that hydrogen species is very important in the conversion of applied electric energy into thermal energy in the constrictor region of the arcjet thruster.
Keywords:plasma heat transfer and flow  arcjet thruster  chemical nonequilibrium
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