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引用本文:张婧雅,李卅,张玉钧. 美国国家公园环境解说的规划管理及启示[J]. 建筑与文化, 2016, 0(3): 170-173. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-4909.2016.03.052
作者姓名:张婧雅  李卅  张玉钧
摘    要:在国家公园还未建立时,“解说”一词就被用于描述人类对自然资源及环境的感受。随着国家公园在全世界的陆续建立,环境解说逐渐被视为游人了解公共资源的重要途径。美国国家公园管理局将环境解说定义为:通过向公众提供难忘的教育和游憩体验,在保护资源的同时通过某些方式将这些资源不经受损的保留下来,为将来世代提供同样的享用机会。美国国家公园体系的环境解说一般包括两大部分,解说规划和解说管理。综合解说规划是美国国家公园所有解说及教育服务的基础,规定解说的形式、内容等。解说管理则从能力技巧、服务要求、合作伙伴三个方面提出要求、制定实施细则和评估体系等。我国于2013年提出建立国家公园体制,并于2015年开始国家公园体制试点工作。中国国家公园的核心内涵可总结为两点:保护自然文化资源原生性及生态系统完整性、为世代公众提供享受自然感知自然的平等权利。中国国家公园环境解说应(1)以保护资源环境、激发大众自然观形成为价值准绳;(2)以环境解说的原则统领各利益相关者;(3)制定环境解说专项规划及管理计划;(4)建立多领域合作的解说规划工作模式;(5)在国家公园管理机构中设置环境解说教育专项部门;(6)建立多主体合作的网络结构。

关 键 词:国家公园  环境解说  规划  管理

Environmental Interpretation Planning And Management Of America's National Parks And Its Inspirations
Abstract:The word “interpretation” is used to describe human feelings to the natural resources and the environment before the national parks were established. Environmental interpretation gradualy regarded as an important way of visitors to understand the meaning of public resources as the national park established successively on a global scale. Environmental interpretation is defined as preserving resources without damage through providing education and recreation experiences to the public by the National Park Service. Environmental interpretation in National park system include two parts, Interpretation Planning and Interpretation Management. The form and content of interpretation that work to support the delivery of interpretive and educational programs, wil be based on and coordinated with the comprehensive interpretive plan. Requirements, detailed rules for the implementation and evaluation system are put forward in Interpretation Management about competencies and skils, requirements for services, interpretive and Educational partnerships. Establishing National Park Institution in China was put forward formaly in 2013, the pilot work of National Park Institution was begun in 2015. The core connotation of China’s national park could summarized as two point, which is protect primordial of natural and cultural resources and integrity of ecological system, and providing equal rights of enjoy and percept nature for generation public. The environmental interpretation of China’s national park should: (1) take protecting resources and environment and arousing the view of nature in public as the value of the criterion; (2) take the principle of environmental interpretation as the head of various stakeholders; (3)develop environmental interpretation planning and interpretation management planning; (4) establish a Multidisciplinary cooperation mechanism for interpretation planning and management; (4) set up environmental interpretation or education department in national park management institution; (5) establish the network structure of multi-agent cooperation.
Keywords:National Park  Environmental Interpretation  Planning  Management
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