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Preparation of Gelatin: Phenytoin Sodium Microsphers: An IN VITRO and IN VIVO Evaluation

In this study phenytoin sodium microspheres were formulated with biodegradable acid-treated gelatin. The microspheres were subjected to in vitro and in vivo testing. The percent drug retained in the microspheres, as well as its release from the microspheres, was tested. In vitro data revealed a decrease in percent druq retained in the microspheres with an increase in addition of glutaraldehyde to the microsphere formulations. The statistically most consistent drug release was observed from formulations containing 10 g of gelatin and 2 g of phenytoin sodium. From this formulation the slowest release was observed when 5 ml of glutaraldehyde were added to the various formulations, whereas the fastest release was observed when no glutaraldehyde was added. In vivo studies consisted of administering phenytoin sodium in microsphere form and an aqueous solution v i a various routes of administration and determining phenytoin plasma concentration vs. time profiles in female Sprague Dawley Rats. Computer fitting of the in vivo data and subsequent statistical testing enabled comparison of the effect of microsphere formation and the effect of microsphere dose on selected pharmacokinetic parameters.
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