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Comparison of N-Heterocyclic Aromatics Dibenzo[c,g]Carbazole and Dibenz[a,j]Acridine : Metabolism,DNA Binding and Mutation
Authors:David Warshawsky  Heather Dowty  Weiling Xue  Kent Mitchell  Joanne Schneider  Kathy Ladow
Affiliation:University of Cincinnati, Department of Environmental Health , Cincinnati, Ohio, 45267-0056
Abstract:N-Heterocyclic aromatics, such as carbazole and acridine derivatives, are environmental carcinogenic pollutants. Examples of these compounds are 7H-dibenzo[c,g]carbazole (DBC) and dibenz[a,j]acridine (DBA). The ionization potential (IP) for DBC is lower than for DBA. DBC is metabolized in lung and liver by way of phenols or directly through radical cations. DBC-induced liver and lung tumors have mutations in the 61st codon of ras. DBA is metabolized in skin by way of a diol-epoxide of DBA. DBA-induced skin tumors have mutations in 12th, 13th and 61st codons of ras. In summary, the metabolic activation of DBC proceeds through different adduction pattern pathways than does DBA and leads to different ras mutational spectra.
Keywords:7H-dibenzo[c,g]carbazole  dibenz[a,j]acridine  stable adduction  ionization potential  ras
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