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Differential effects of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, indole-3-acetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on the gravitropic response of roots in an auxin-resistant mutant of arabidopsis, aux1
Authors:M Yamamoto  KT Yamamoto
Affiliation:Division of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgery, Kaohsiung Medical College Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Abstract:BACKGROUND/AIMS: Gallbladder mucus itself has been recognized to play an important role in gallstone development. Despite the diverse mechanisms of stone induction and the differences in stone composition, there is a quantitative increase in the epithelial mucus production period before stone formation. As brown pigment stones are found frequently in gallstone disease, we conducted a study on gallbladders with brown pigment stones or combination stones with a brown periphery to evaluate the mucin content in the gallbladder epithelium in comparison to gallbladders with cholesterol stones and those without stones. METHODS: Gallbladder specimens were fixed in 10% formalin immediately after cholecystectomy and then embedded in paraffin. The specimens were sectioned for periodic acid-Schiff-alcian blue (PAS-AB, pH 2.5) double stain to evaluate the intra-epithelial mucin content. The PAS-AB index was calculated as a proportion of the PAS-AB-positive mucin area to the total epithelial area, using a computerized image analyzer. RESULTS: Evaluation of the PAS-AB index on the lining epithelia of gallbladders showed that it was 32.43 +/- 9.96% in gallbladders with brown stones, which is significantly (p < 0.001) higher than in gallbladders with cholesterol stones (15.63 +/- 6. 75%) and gallbladders without stones (9.55 +/- 4.77%). CONCLUSION: The results show that gallbladders with brown stones contain more abundant mucin than gallbladders with cholesterol stones or those without stones. They also suggest that the gallbladder epithelium per se might play a more important role in stone formation in those with brown stones than in those with cholesterol stones.
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