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黑夜中的熠熠生辉 丹麦尼保的高速公路桥梁的照明设计
引用本文:David,Muller,Lars,Bahl.黑夜中的熠熠生辉 丹麦尼保的高速公路桥梁的照明设计[J].照明设计,2010(1):48-51.
作者姓名:David  Muller  Lars  Bahl
摘    要:恐怕没有多少司机喜欢在漆黑的高速公路上长途奔波,特别是灰色的沥青像一条带子一样在眼前绵延不断,似乎永远没有尽头。有时候,道路指示标志或高速公路服务站交替地消失在夜色中。大部分时候,路途就只剩下了冲破黑暗的直线行驶。且慢!那是什么?前方似乎有东西在黑暗中发光。它看起来像是一列列整齐的绿色树干,顶部有一条白色树叶组成的发光层将其串联起来。

关 键 词:高速公路桥梁  照明设计  丹麦  指示标志  直线行驶  发光层  服务站  司机

GLOW IN THE DARK Motorway Bridges in Nyborg/DK.
Abstract:There are not many drivers who can say they enjoy long motorway trips in the dark, especially not when the band of grey asphalt reeling out in front of them seems to be never-ending. From time to time road signs or motorway services loom up only to disappear into the night. Basically the journey consists of nothing more than driving in a more or less straight line through blackness. But wait a minute! What's that? Something ahead seems to be glowing in the dark. It looks like regular rows of green tree trunks with a layer of white leaves connecting them at the top like a band.
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